GeoJunxion is a Dutch start–up with a difference: it already has 40 years of history (since November 1984). In the last years, the company has refocused, rebranded, added a dynamic new executive management team and is now creating and delivering premium location-aware content and services to global tech companies and other customers in various industries, serving multiple use-cases.
At GeoJunxion, our team is the driving force behind our innovative solutions. We are a diverse group of professionals passionate about creating smart location data and geospatial technologies that connect people and businesses worldwide. With expertise spanning technology, data science and customer success, we work collaboratively to deliver value and help our clients make informed decisions.
Join our team to the future of location intelligence.
In today’s market volatility, GeoJunxion is committed to conducting business through ethical practices, while aiming to create untapped opportunities and competitive advantage. GeoJunxion developed an exhaustive compliance program, having defined documented processes to ensure that the Company and all its employees follow laws, regulations, standards and ethical practices relevant for our business and activities and that apply to our organization and industry.
GeoJunxion has received Level 2 certification on Social Entrepreneurship: the Prestatieladder Socialer Ondernemen (PSO) on 18 July 2022. This independent assessment shows that GeoJunxion offers high-quality employment to people who have difficulty accessing the labor market and collaborates with organizations that also do or strive for this. With this certification, GeoJunxion provides an above-average contribution in the field of social entrepreneurship in a sustainable way.
GeoJunxion, as Hart voor de Zaak partner of the Heart Foundation, is committed to healthier hearts and a heart-safer Netherlands. Working together, GeoJunxion and the Heart Foundation are doing everything they can to keep the hearts of the Netherlands healthy and strong – including those of their employees! As Hart voor de Zaak partner of the Heart Foundation , GeoJunxion is proud to give its contribution to find solutions for keeping the hearts of the Netherlands healthy, while inspiring its employees to take good care of their hearts.
GeoJunxion works together with SBB and welcomes students at GeoJunxion. Via SBB students receive the best possible practical training with prospects of a job, and companies can employ the professionals that they need, now and in future. These are the objectives of the Foundation for Cooperation on Vocational Education, Training and the Labour Market (Samenwerkingsorganisatie Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven, SBB).