

Alerting you to potential fines, safety and personal health risk zones

  • Get alerted when approaching or entering a zone that may have an impact on your or other people’s health, your safety and the safety of drivers and pedestrians along the way.
  • Avoid paying unnecessary fines when entering a Low Emission Zone or Limited Traffic zone without a badge or Limited Traffic Area without the correct badge or toll. 


Unlock additional data and features with our €4,99 Annual subscription

Our PRO subscription service, for an annual fee of 4,99€ enables access to the full data and app functionality. Your subscription can be cancelled at any time in line with the app store rules.

The subscription service includes:

1.  Detailed warning description for several categories of Eco Alerts and Safety Alerts

2.  The ability to switch categories on and off to customize your experience

3.  The option to zoom in and out of maps down to street level and discover more details for each individual zone

4.  Additional zones details that are updated daily for all three alert types



The app communicates with our GeoJunxion location server several times per minute and downloads all permanent and temporary zones around you.
 The app checks your current location and evaluates whether or not you are in or out of one of the 3 types of alert zones. 
Should you be within a zone, a voice alert will be heard.

In order to limit the amount of unnecessary data on your phone, our smart algorithm only downloads the latest alerts around you as and when necessary.

The App explained – Watch the video 


Mary image

This is Mary. She is on her way to the grocery store, which is only a few blocks away. She doesn’t mind the walk and heads toward the store. After a block or so, she gets an alert on her phone. It is from the GeoAlertsLive app! She sees that there is a health alert zone up ahead. Mary knows GeoJunxion provides reliable and up-to-date information about High Alert Zones based on her location. She decides to take another route instead.

When Mary goes to work and has a hundred things going through her mind, the GeoAlertsLive app alerts her about approaching a school zone. Mary knows to slow down and focus on her driving to keep everyone safe. And while on her business trip to Munich, she gets another alert informing her of a low emission zone ahead. Luckily for Mary, she already has the right low emission badge for her vehicle. 

John image

This is John. He is the Head of Fleet Management for a touring bus company in the Netherlands. His company specializes in excursions throughout Europe with a special focus on France and Italy. John is aware that these two countries have the most Low Emission or Limited Traffic Zones (ZTL). He is keen to reduce the impact of congestion and environmental charges on his vehicles and improve the safety of his drivers. His tour of France and Italy is due to start next week.  

With the GeoAlertsLive on his drivers’ phones, he can rest assured that they will know how to navigate all of the Paris Low Emission Zones. Then when they approach Milan, they will get an alert about all of the ZTL Zones. This way they can reduce or even avoid the risk of fines during their journey.  

If you manage a fleet of vehicles Contact our sales team now for our special Business package!



A global map viewer to browse and discover alerts around you. You will be warned as you approach a congestion charge zone, a regulated Low Emission zone or Limited Traffic Zone (ZTL)


You can select your language. This 1.1 version includes English, German, Italian, French, Dutch and Russian – More languages to be added soon –


You will receive alerts both via on screen notifications and voice messages, even if your app is running in the background


Once you launch the application on your smartphone and select your language, you will be on your way to discovering its many features:

The current release V1.1 includes:

• All 3 types of alerts : Safety , Eco and Health

• Customized alerts according to your preferences

• The option to purchase the PRO version

• The app can work perfectly in the background, however it may drain the battery somewhat faster.



All the features of the free version plus detailed zoom level down to street level and precise warning about the type of zone (such as Eco, Health or Safety) and further categories (congestion, ZTL, Heavy vehicles etc…) where applicable, as well as the ability to switch each category of warning on or off.

Geo Alerts Live Pro_eco Zone map
Geo Alerts Live Pro_eco Alerts
Geo Alerts Live Pro_Health Zone Map


• Be alerted about risks of fines, health and safety along the way
• Can be combined with your favorite routing app – it will stay in the background and warn you as and when necessary
• Helps to reduce accidents by helping you be more alert in unknown areas
• Travel to unknown cities with peace of mind knowing what badges are necessary to enter low emission zones
• The free version already gives you a good experience, however you can always upgrade to PRO to unleash all functionalities and get the latest information
• It makes High Alert Zones content available on Smartphones with the latest iOS and Android operating systems
• No specific hardware required

Watch the video to see how the App can help you 

GeoAlertsLive App REVIEWS

"Car accidents are the leading killer of teens in this country. Teens are just learning to drive and face many distractions, so they're at a very high risk for accidents. I wanted to help my teenage daughter to learn safe habits from the very beginning so when she passed her driving test I asked her to download the GeoAlertLive app from the app store. Now I know that she receives alerts as she drives around."

R. De Jong - The Netherlands

"Whilst driving through Milan earlier this year, I received not just one ZTL fine, but two or three or more fines I stopped counting after that –These can really add up so I turned to the GeoAlertLive app to find out the exact location of these zones across Italy. That way I can enjoy the drive without worrying whether or not I am entering or crossing a ZTL zone."

S. Zaggia, Italy

"With more than 3,000 weather-related accidents on our motorways last winter, we've been talking with our local road infrastructure department about the things we can do for our fleet of heavy vehicles. We wanted to protect our drivers’ safety and decided to take up the fleet package offered via the GeoAlertsLive app."

M. Mensing, Germany

"Navigating the Low Emission Zones in Paris has always been a nightmare for me. The zones open and close depending on pollution levels and I am clearly too busy in my job to keep track of this. With the GeoAlert Zones I know exactly when it is possible to travel into the town center."

H. Champion, France

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Who is GeoJunxion?

GeoJunxion is a publicly traded company headquartered in Capelle aan den IJssel, the Netherlands. We are at the crossroads where fundamental, location-aware content connects with superior, customised intelligence and highly focused innovations to empower exceptional experiences. With an emphasis on safety and sustainability, we are constantly expanding our portfolio to meet the demands of a diverse and fast-evolving market.

You can contact us via email

Links to other content pages:
High Alert Zones section of the website

Global Digital Map GeoJunxion



This app and all information and services thereon are provided “as is” with all faults and defects and without warranties of any kind. To the maximum extent permitted by law, GeoJunxion excludes all representations and warranties, express or implied, regarding access and use of this website and its information and services including, but not limited to, the accuracy, completeness, adequacy, usefulness, reliability, availability, quality, merchantability or fitness for purpose thereof. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, neither GeoJunxion nor its officers, directors or employees shall be liable to you or to any third party for any damages either direct, special, incidental, indirect or consequential (including, but not limited to, loss of data, loss of business, loss of income, loss of profits, or business interruption) arising out of or in any way related to the use of or the inability to use or access the website and the information and services thereon.
Note: You must accept our terms and conditions before you start using the app.

Privacy Policy

The company behind this app is GeoJunxion (GEOJXN.AS). As a publicly traded company specialising in location data and services, it is critical for us to offer this fully GDPR compliant service. To use all of this app’s functions you do not require to share any personal data. The basic service is free. The only data we collect is a fully anonymized location information and the settings in use. This information will be used internally to improve the quality of our this service (alert zones ) and our GeoJunxion digital maps and derivatives. Our European based data service stores the unique device ID, Location in Latitude/Longitude and the time stamp when in use as well as the setting used and the right to access the PRO content. No personal information is collected nor stored in the app nor on our data service and as such can be retrieved or personalized.
